Shapiro Quoted in NutraIngredients-USA on Counterfeit Supplement Sales on Amazon

October 2, 2023 | Compliance Investigations & White Collar

Steven Shapiro was interviewed for the NutraIngredients-USA piece, “New Jersey Man Arrested for Selling Counterfeit Supplements on Amazon.”

Shapiro noted the seriousness of the charges and referenced other recent cases where supplement companies have reported counterfeits of their product on Amazon.

“Companies should be investigating what is going on online and protect their brands,” he told NutraIngredients-USA. “If they see things that are unusual, they should take steps to investigate the way that Nestlé, Fungi Perfecti and NOW have.”

The article also features quotes from Joseph Wheatley, Senior Corporate Counsel of Amazon’s Counterfeit Crime Unit, and Chief Walt Miller of the Evesham Township Police Department.

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