Shapiro Quoted in Natural Products Insider

April 10, 2024 | Compliance Investigations & White Collar

Steven Shapiro was quoted in the Natural Products Insider article, “‘Vague’ NY Law Looms for The Vitamin Shoppe, Other Supplement Retailers.”

The New York Assembly Bill A5610 is set to take effect in less that two weeks, and manufacturers and retailers are gearing up to comply with its requirements. The bill will restrict minors’ access to weight loss and muscle building supplements.

While several industry sources argued compliance with the law is a large task, some lawyers agree that supplement companies could benefit if the state AG issued guidance clarifying the law’s scope.

Shapiro expressed that it’s unclear the extent to which the New York AG will enforce the law later this month and beyond. ““The law is so broad we have no idea how it’s going to be enforced. Will the attorney general send people into stores to see if they’re violating the law? Will the attorney general order products?” he said.

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