Egor and Barcsansky Secure Win in Staged Loss Fraud Case

May 14, 2020 | General Liability | Insurance Fraud

Egor and Barcsansky obtained a summary judgment in a staged loss declaratory judgment case against a ring of fraudsters.

The complaint alleged that all the indicia of a staged loss is present, including stark admissions, incredulous testimony, a multitude of inconsistent statements and individuals with limited connections to each other.

We argued that not only does the evidence indicate the claimants created an intentional scheme to cause a collision; but also the testimony simply defies common sense and raises genuine questions regarding the validity of the loss and subsequent medical treatment.

The court found that our insurance company client had submitted sufficient evidence of a founded belief that the subject collision was staged and, consequently, was not a covered event. As a result, all of the participants in the fraud ring and their healthcare providers are not entitled to receive any benefits or coverage from our insurance company client.

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