Lewis to Lead Webcast Series on Doing Business Online
March 27, 2019 |On April 2, 2019, Shari Claire Lewis will present a one-hour live webscast with content sponsors West LegalEdcenter® and Celesq® entitled “The Business of Online Business: Session One — Domain Names and Domain Name Disputes.”
Program Description
Every business with a website is an e-business and, as a result, face challenges that are unique to online commerce and twists on traditional ones. For example, the maxim “location, location, location” applies in the virtual world as much as in the physical realm.
In this first session, we will discuss issues concerning Internet domain names – an e-business’s virtual name, address and introductory marketing statement. We will explore the explosive growth of top-level domains as potential new “neighborhoods” in the virtual world. We will also cover cybersquatting and reverse cybersquatting, which continue to impact domain name use, and the variety of venues where a claim may be heard. We will review recent criteria that courts and dispute resolution groups consider in assessing whether a domain name registration has an improper commercial purpose, as well as the various dispute resolution practices offered by the domain name registrars as potential alternatives to court action. Finally, we will look at the potential impact of the EU’s GDPR on domain name registration requirements and the various work-arounds being considered by the domain name registrars.
In future sessions, we will discuss other issues that impact the “business of online business,” such as website accessibility and class actions, the use of website terms of service, privacy and security statements in an era of heightened concerns for consumer privacy and an end-of-year review of legal challenges to online business practices, such as online tax, online defamation and contributory infringement.
CLE credit is available for webcast participants. To register, click here.