Iseman Quoted in HealthLeaders Media
July 11, 2018 |Bob Iseman was quoted in a HealthLeaders article, “Is Panic Over Risk Adjustment Loss Much Ado About Nothing?” The article discusses the loss of the risk adjustment payments that healthcare insurers depend on to remain profitable under the Affordable Care Act.
Iseman informed them, “you have to approach this from the political angle. A lot of people are overreacting without taking into account the fact we have midterm elections coming up, and I think the last thing the Trump administration would want is further disruption of the healthcare market due to events that are within their control,” he says. “HHS has the ability, through regulation, to fix anything that may be wrong with the risk adjustments required in the ACA.”
“When those things happened a lot of the same people were writing the same things, that this is the end of the world for insurers,” Iseman says. “Those were supposed to be catastrophic. The loss of the individual mandate was supposed to be the death knell for the whole program. But what’s left of the ACA continues to function, at least in the sense that the exchanges continue to provide meaningful coverage for individuals and small businesses.”
“I think they will be worked out sooner, rather than later. Insurers are getting ready to consider what’s on the exchanges this fall, and they’re setting premiums for next year, so they need this resolved quickly,” Iseman says.
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