Merkrebs obtains Defense Verdict in Rear-Impact Automobile Action

February 14, 2018 | General Liability

Howard M. Merkrebs obtained a defense verdict in rear-impact automobile action tried in Bronx County.  The 55 year old plaintiff alleged multiple injuries including a tears in her right knee requiring arthroscopic surgery, tears in her  right shoulder requiring arthroscopic surgery and sprain of her left knee, as well as  herniated cervical discs and bulges in the lumbar spine.   The jury found that plaintiff did not sustain a Serious Injury under Insurance Law Article 51 after deliberating for only 45 minutes.    The trial was conducted before Justice Kenneth L. Thompson, Jr. and lasted seven days.  Ramona Guilbe-Delgado v. Kristen E. Bona (Bronx County index No.: 25106/2014).


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